Energy Suppliers Behaving Badly
Energy suppliers are big businesses with lots of staff and often policies that change weekly. Things can get confusing. I get it. However, I ask.. is there an excuse for the following behaviour?
07/07/2020 – Total GP – Failed Transfer Charge £300 to £3000
Total Gas & Power have just introduced a disgusting new charge in which they will bill people who are NOT their customers.
Customers who switch to Total GP and then during the transfer process, for what ever reason, the transfer fails, then the customer/business will be billed a ‘termination charge’.
This is beyond ridiculous since that customer or business was never a customer of Total GP. Likewise businesses fail to switch to new suppliers for a huge range of reasons, many of which have nothing to do with the business. Likewise honest mistakes occur.
Some possible reasons;
- The business stops trading out of that address
- Someone who was unauthorised to sign a contract, did so
- Someone authorised, agreed the contract with Total GP not knowing that another authorised person has already agreed a different contract
- The current supplier blocks transfer and is not helpful or quick in aiding the customer to leave them
At least one of the above occurs to me once a month, and I’m a small one man broker. There are many other reasons. This is beyond a joke.
Breakdown of Charges
Domestic Meters (profile class 01 & 02): £300
Small Business Meters (profile class 03 & 04): £750
Large Business Meters (profile class 05 – 00): £1875-£3000+
Total GP will apply for the transfer twice, if not successful, send a letter with the fee amount. Then apply for a third time, if unsuccessful they will invoice the business.
They’ve also stated that if you want to avoid the fee, you can renegotiate a new contract on the condition you can get the contract live within 6 months.
Total GP expect the customer to pay the invoice within 10 days.
I hereby pledge to never sign a customer/business with Total Gas & Power whilst this ridiculous policy is in place.
22/06/2020 – Scottish Power £6 Debt
Rita wanted to switch from Scottish Power to EON. Scottish Power blocked that transfer due to a debt of £6.51. They asked that she pay the debt and then she can leave.
Update 23/06/2020: Scottish Power on twitter reached out to me and resolved the issue. The original customer service agent was incorrect. The objection was due to an early transfer date.
Did you know that Ofgem states;
If you’ve been in debt to your supplier for less than 28 days you can still switch. Any owed amounts will be added to your final bill from your old supplier.
As long as you owe less than £500 for gas and £500 for electricity, you can switch to a new supplier.