Scottish Power Supplier Information, Requirements & More


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About Scottish Power

ScottishPower is part of the Iberdrola Group, one of the world’s largest integrated utility companies and a world leader in wind energy. ScottishPower is the first integrated energy company in the UK to generate 100% green electricity.

My Review 

I reviewed all of the Energy Suppliers in the UK that I know and Scottish Power ranked #1 on that list. My review was based upon four criteria; 

  • Cheap prices
  • Ethical Practices
  • Ease of Communication
  • Problem solving

Here’s my review of Scottish Power;

Cheap Prices

Scottish Power are consistently the cheapest supplier for so many of my quotes. Around 7 out of 10 quotes, they are in the top three prices for each meter.

Ethical Practices

Scottish Power are one of the only energy suppliers that I couldn’t criticise for their practices. They don’t automatically roll over customers, termination is accepted, transfers are not blocked without reason and they allow customers to pay via all payment methods. Probably the best ethical practise of Scottish Powers is that their energy is green, 100% renewable.

Ease of Contact

Scottish Power can be contacted easily by phone, email, social media and online chat. This might sound trivial but hardly any suppliers in the UK are this open for customers to communicate with. They respond via twitter and web chat literally within minutes.

Problem Solving

I deal with complaints weekly, due to their large customer base, many revolve around the Big 6. Scottish Power are among the best at dealing with complaints – resolving all of my complaints with them except one (sorry Perry). Their customer service agents are nice and all call centre agents I’ve dealt with are native English speakers. Scottish Power have made opening complaints super easy and emails are responded to very quickly from staff assuring you they have passed on your complaint to the relevant department.

Contact Details


Live Chat

Live Chat Link

Account Login

Login Link

Email Address

General Enquiry:

Termination Department:

COT Deparment:

Commercial Energy:

Electricity & gas complaints:

Chief Executive Keith Anderson:

Human Resources Director Hamish Watson:

Scottish Power Environment Management:

Phone Numbers

Sales: 0800 074 0025

Customer Service: 0800 027 0072

General Enquiries: 0800 040 7002

Termination Number: 0800 400 200

Social Media







Contract Information

Contract Registrations

All contracts must be submitted with a valid landline number.

Scottish Power no longer accept any contracts signed by a Third party Intermediaries (TPI)  on behalf of a customer, regardless as to if a valid Level 2 LOA is signed. Compliant Level 2 LOAs will continue to be accepted for information requests and queries relating to contracts. 

Sole Traders and Partnership Contracts – The business name must show on the contract as “Customer name t/a Business name”.

Paper Sales – Scottish Power require a copy of the customers latest utility bill. This must be less than 6 months old and must show the MPAN/MPR and the usage.

Scottish Power have fixed end dates for their contracts. This fixed end date changes with every price change. 

LOA Requirements

Non-Limited Companies

  • Be dated within the last 12 months
  • Have a customer’s signature
  • Specifically state the TPI name or the broker name.
  • Specifically state what the TPI has permission to discuss (e.g. transfer of supply only, financial matters, account information)
  • It must have the correct supply details and match what ScottishPower currently hold
  • Scottish Power can accept the Letter of Authority on broker headed paper with customer name printed, customer signature, company name, date and levels of authority
  • Scottish Power can accept electronic LOAs, signed via DocuSign
  • Scottish Power  accepts 2nd Tier LOAs  (LOAs signed by the TPI on behalf of the customer)
  • Scottish Power do not accept Verbal LoAs

Limited Companies

  • All of the above except, Scottish Power must have the LoA on the company’s letter headed paper. They need it as per government regulations, this is a requirement for all limited companies. Further information on this can be found at:

Change Of Tenancy Requirements

Scottish Power have reviewed their processes and have stated that COT’s now need to be done by the customer directly with Scottish Power. Moving forward Change of Tenancy (COT) renewal contracts cannot be processed by a TPI. 

Billing and Payment Options

Scottish Power accepts Direct Debit only for all monthly payments. Customers wishing to pay by quarterly direct debit will incur a 5% price increase, and must have a minimum credit score of 81.

Customers with a profile class of 03/04 will pay a monthly fixed direct debit, with quarterly adjustments.

Customers can nominate a calendar day for the Direct Debit to be taken each month.

Sell Ahead Days

All contracts (1,2,3,4,5 years) can be sold up to 180 Days ahead.

Renewal Contracts will only start on the 1st of the month. 

Terminations & Renewals


Fixed Price Contracts – Contracts can be terminated at any time up to 30 days prior to its expiry. However, the contract must run its full term.

Standard Fixed Tariff – A minimum of 30 days’ notice of termination must be given as specified in the Terms and Conditions.

Renewal Cycle

Scottish Power will write to business customers at least 60 days before their contract ends, advising of the customer’s options including the charges for a new Fixed Price Period tariff.

If a business customer chooses not to opt into a new Fixed Price Period tariff Scottish Power will automatically move the business’ electricity account to their Standard Fixed tariff at the end of their current contract.

It’s my third month of taking Propecia. I can’t see much of a difference yet but my doctor says everything goes well. He says that changes will be noticeable by the end of the sixth month. I’m looking forward to that moment, and I promise to share my progress with you. As of now, I feel well, not a single side effect of the Propecia.

This will be more expensive than a new Fixed Price Period tariff however the business customer would be free to leave at any point following a 30-day written notice.  Scottish Power will also include information on how to terminate their supply if the customer wishes to switch to a different supplier: 

Credit Requirements

Credit Score

For general businesses, the minimum credit score is 26.

For pubs, clubs, takeaways and restaurants the credit score is 31.

For charities, local authorities such as councils, religious businesses and clubs/groups such as social clubs, these have a lower threshold of 16.

In order to be eligible for Quarterly Direct Debit a credit score of 81 or more is required.

Customers scoring between 17 and 30 may be referred to ScottishPower for a decision. 

Note; acceptance is not guaranteed. 

Customers wishing to pay quarterly direct debit must score 81 or higher.

Business Acceptance

All business types are considered and assessed on their individual circumstances.

The customer must be made aware that for the site with a consumption lower than 4000kWh, there will be a minimum monthly direct debit requirement of £5.

Meter Restrictions

N.B Scottish Power have a minimum consumption cap of 4000kWh for their Electricity sales. Scottish Power have confirmed any supplies with a usage under 4000kWh will only be accepted as part of a multisite (25+ sites).

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