Gazprom / SEFE Energy Supplier Information, Requirements & More

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From 29th July 2022, Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Limited changed it’s company name to SEFE Energy Limited with their London-based parent company now SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited. SEFE Energy is part of the SEFE Group – led by SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (SEFE) in Berlin.

Gazprom Energy is a leading and award-winning supplier of gas and electricity to businesses across the UK, with a passion for customer service and the backing of one of the world’s largest energy companies.

Gazprom focus on being a reliable supplier that offers value for money and excellent customer service. They pride themselves on being easy to do business with, by keeping things simple and clear.  Gazprom supplies gas and electricity to a wide range of UK public and private organisations. These range from the smallest enterprises to the largest industrial firms. 

My Review

I reviewed all of the Energy Suppliers in the UK that I know and Gazprom ranked #10 on that list. My review was based upon four criteria; 

  • Cheap prices
  • Ethical Practices
  • Ease of Communication
  • Problem-solving

Here’s my review of Gazprom;

Cheap Prices

Gazprom are cheap as it relates to Gas. This is to be expected as they own some 23 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in Russia and accounts for 68 percent of Russia’s gas production. The company is the largest extractor of natural gas in the world.

If you need gas, you know where to go.

On the electric side, they’re not that great, often within the top 10 cheapest suppliers for me but very rarely in top 3. I usually don’t recommend them for electric.

Ethical Practices

The fact they are ‘Russian’ often has a lot of my customers joking about how unethical they must be. My experience is mixed.

Gazprom accept IGT meters and 01/02 profile class Domestic meters used as long as they are a business. Gazprom also offer backdates on contracts but only if they are at fault. They do not rollover customers who are micro-businesses thankfully. Their credit acceptance is fantastic, they will accept all businesses with a credit score of 26 Experian, as long as they don’t have CCJs. Renewals only need a score above 3 as well.

Gazprom don’t offer much by way of options for customers. They only offer Monthly Direct Debit payments. The only email bills and won’t post them out. For non-micro businesses, they require a 3 month termination notice and if not received, they will rollover customers for a further year – not good.

Gazprom no longer accept pubs, clubs and takeaways. Their change of tenancy requirements are really tough to meet and in my opinion unnecessary.

Ease of Contact

Gazprom are super difficult to contact. They seem to only want customers to contact them via their web form. Email responses are slow and often missed. Telephone, you can get through but it’s not a smooth process. Social media, as far as I’m aware is non-existent.

Problem Solving

I’ve had some problems over the years with health and although getting the problems resolved has been painful, they were always resolved wth help Again, mixed feelings on this one.


01/02 meters are accepted with accompanying proof of business.

Gazprom will only offer Backdates if they are at Fault.

Contracts are available on a Direct Debit option only.

Welcome packs are sent up to 15 days to the customers from live date.

1, 2 and 3 Year contract terms are available.

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year terms available for Renewals

1, 2 and 3 Year terms for New Business.

Electricity acquisition and renewal contracts can be sold up to up to 120 days ahead.

Gas renewal contracts can be sold up to up to 900 days ahead.

Gas New Business contracts can be sold 900 days ahead

Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Electricity and Gas Deemed Rates

Customer Service

Customer support is available  Monday to Friday 8.30 – 17.00.


Online Form

Online Form

Account Login

Login Link

Email Address

General Email:

Termination Email:

TPI & Brokers Email:

Other Emails:

New Meter Installations:

Phone Numbers

General Phone: 0845 230 0011

Sales: 0161 837 3395

Social Media




Billing & Payment

Customers are billed monthly in arrears, with the Direct Debit taken 10 days after the date of the invoice. (Monthly variable Direct Debit).

Please Note. Gazprom issue bills by email, the customers email address is needed at the point of contract submission. 


Termination can be logged at any point from the contract start date up until 30 days before the contract end date. Terminations served after this point will be accepted and the site will be free to leave 30 days from that date.

Non micro businesses require termination to be logged 3 months in advance of the contract end date, failure to do so will result in the customer being rolled into a contract for a further 12 months

If a renewal contract is not agreed for a micro business customer they will be moved on to a rolling variable price plan which requires 30 day termination notice.


A renewal letter will be sent up to 60 days from the contract end date.

Gazprom will accept a electricity renewal contract up to 150 days prior to the contract end date (subject to the maximum start date specified with each price release).

Gazprom will accept a Gas renewal contract up to 730 days prior to the contract end date ( subject to the maximum start date specified with each price release).

Letter Of Authority Requirements

PDF and Docusign LOAs are accepted.

LOAs for Limited companies must be provided on a letter headed document.

All multi-site LOAs must clearly state the sites that are covered under the document.

Change of Tenancy

Gazprom COT’s will need to be completed and locked in before Gazprom will accept a contract. 

To complete a COT the following documentation is required along with the COT form

  • A solicitor’s letter confirming details of the move in or out of the property
  • A certified lease or tenancy agreement
  • A copy of your business rates from the council if you are moving in
  • A copy of your business rates final invoice from the council if you are moving out
  • A copy of Land Registry title (TR1)

Credit & Business Acceptance

Gazprom will accept new customers with an Experian credit score of 26 or more. All Accounts must be up to date, with no CCJs against the company.

Renewals needs to score 3 or above.

Please Note – Acceptance is not guaranteed and Gazprom may offer reduced terms for lower credit scores.

Gazprom no longer accept pubs, clubs and takeaways however they will accept exclusively through OnlineDIRECT providing they meet the above criteria.

Contract Requirements

Contracts can be accepted in any format (Verbal/DocuSign/PDF)

Sole trading business – Only the sole trader can sign a contract for their business. Unless they give authority to someone else in the business (proof required in writing).

Partnership – One of the partners must agree a contract, no one else can agree a contract on their behalf

Limited Companies – all details must fully match Companies House. Where the company has been trading for less than 2 years one of the Director’s details will need to be provided.

Charities – all details must fully match the Charity Commission website. Documents on the Charity Commission website must be fully up to date. Sole Trader details for the customer will also need to be provided.

All contracts must have the customers email address for billing purposes. You can take buy clonazepam at any time of the day. The entire daily dose is taken at once. I would say that this happens extremely rarely. In addition, most of the side effects disappear after 5-7 days of regular use. Practice shows that it is better to take Klonopin in the morning because it has activating effect.

Gazprom Updates

Gazprom – Only accept renewal contracts. However, they do Not accept hospitality for acquisitions.