Who Is My Energy Supplier? How To Find Out My MPAN & MPRN

Click here to find gas supplier


Visit the link and enter your post code; https://www.energynetworks.org/info/faqs/who-is-my-network-operator.html

postcode finder my supplier

Once you’ve entered your post code, the website will tell you which electric distribution company services your area.


Using the companies name, in my case ‘Northern Powergrid’ – type that into google followed by ‘Who is my supplier’.


Click the first link that comes up and then you will be able to enter your postcode in and find your address. The company will then ask for your email and email you, you’re current supplier. Sometimes they even display the current supplier there on the website.

whoismysupplier northernpowergrid

Then await the email to arrive;

whoismysupplier northernpowergrid bulbenergy


Visit the link and enter your address details https://findmysupplier.energy/webapp/index.html

find my supplier gas

They’ll then display your current supplier on screen;
