Please Remember To Turn Off The Light

Interested in a light energy-saving tip, that is very simple yet effective?

Interestingly, most people will do as they were told. Sounds a little odd, right? However, it’s true, they will. Something as simple as asking your employees to turn off the lights might seem annoying and pointless but trust me if you track this, you’ll see a difference. I’m not saying you’ll save thousands because you won’t.

Something as simple as asking your employees to turn off the lights might seem annoying and pointless, but trust me if you track this, you will see a difference. I’m not saying you’ll save thousands because you won’t, but even a little buy xanax saving is a saving nonetheless.

Now will you always be in the toilet to remind your staff to turn off the light? Well, I’d hope not. However, one little trick that will work are these stickers. They cost next to nothing and they’re friendly. If you start telling people to boil less water or turn off lights, people might think you’re a stingy penny pincher. With these cool quirky labels, they will give the opposite impression. It creates a feeling of doing good and looking after the environment. Try it, I mean what is a few quid?

Please Turn Off The Light When You Leave
Help Conserve Energy Please ... Turn Off Lights
Please Turn It Off Conserve Energy
Please remember turn off this light
Please Switch/Turn Off Lights When Leaving
Go Green, If You Are The Last to leave The Room, Please Turn Off The Lights

Please Turn Off Washroom Lights When Not In Use