Hamed Daily #3 -That Will Now Be Going Up By £10,000-£30,000 Over The Year!
Hello, guys, this is a new thing for me and I really appreciate you reading this. I intend with these posts to document everything that happens in my work day and walk you through my day. I’m hopeful that with this, it will enable more people to understand what energy consultants do after they put the phone down and also a bit more about how the industry works.
As I’m not attached to any company or supplier, I have the ability to be neutral. I am hopeful that by showing everyone my way of working I will be given the opportunity by you, to organise your friends & families business energy contracts.
Please note all customers mentioned in this are real however their names have been changed in order to protect their identity. If you happen to read about yourself and are happy to be named then I can do so and will also attach your business information to your name.
Let The Day Begin – 08/09/2016
This is getting embarrassing now, unfortunately unlike yesterday, today I woke up at 9am and by the time I knew my name and what day it was it was 10am.
The 9 Month Man
I had an appointment with “Gary”, he’s a mechanic and a super cheerful chap. I remember Gary from last year, I called him over 60 times between November 2014 and September 2015. It was a hard battle but I eventually got Gary to pull out his electricity bill and low and behold, he was paying 2x what he should have been paying. Luckily for him, the electricity prices were amazing last summer so he ended up with a gigantic saving (percentage wise since his actual spend is low.)
The problem with my appointment with Gary is I can only catch him at 10.15 since that’s the time he sits down and has his tea. It’s also the time he refuses to take calls so it’s a catch 22. Thankfully his staff have become used to me calling at 10.15. Unfortunately, following on from the trend last year, I couldn’t catch him today, he was on a test drive. I wanted to mention Gary because Gary is the exact type of person it takes me months to get. Unfortunately for me, my time keeping is really bad and no matter what app I download or what tool I use, I always end up calling later than the time me and the client agreed. It’s something I must work on and I’m going to discuss it on here up until I fix it.
That now will be going up by £10,000-£30,000 over the year. Absolutely shocking.
Unfortunately, I got a really bad email from Catherine who I spoke about the other day from the estate agents. SSE have really gone above and beyond what I thought was possible in regards to horrid business tactics. I’m really put off them now. I got an email from Catherine with a letter http://www.mentalhealthupdate.com attached informing her from SSE that they have rejected Npower from taking over her electricity contract because she is in a contract for a further 12 months. Not one supplier from among the Big 6 operates on an automatic rollover service so I was shocked to discover that because Catherine’s meter is a half hourly meter. I’ve never heard of this, Catherine’s meter uses 500,000 kWh a year in electricity. That’s a bill of £52,000 a year. That now will be going up by £10,000-£30,000 over the year. Absolutely shocking. Not happy SSE!
This issue with Catherine, unfortunately, meant I spent much time on the phone with SSE and another broker. I also spent much time emailing back and forth. Can’t say it was very fun, can only imagine it being worse for her.
Only Interested In The Big 6
“Tony” was the one to help lift my mood. I signed him up last year and saved him over 40% on both his gas and electricity. I asked Tony if he noticed a saving and he agreed he did, however, he wasn’t happy. I asked why and he explained a few of the problems he’s had with the supplier and said he wants to go back to one of the Big 6. I know what he means and I agree, sometimes simple things like putting in meter readings, become so difficult. Tony needed to download all of his previous bills, calculate his usage, work out all these different charges and battle with his current supplier – not good. He’s asked me to call him at the end of the month, by which he’ll have sorted out the mess his supplier has caused.
Next up was a lovely lad called Danny. I remember last year he said to me; “I was thinking about you last night.” He’s a funny guy. My conversation today with Danny is more proof of why I need to improve my timekeeping massively;
“Hi Danny, Hamed here”“Hamed, you’re late, I’m finished with lunch now.”“I know, I apologise, I was meant to call much earlier, I went out for lunch, apologies.”“Call me tomorrow at lunch time.”
This is a regular occurrence for me, always calling clients late. It is a must to improve on it.
Finally, the day ended on a massive positive. I called Omar as I had been informed that I put the contract through as using 26,000 kWh but in actuality, Omar used 145,450 kWh of gas. I had to get Omar to confirm he’s happy for the contract to be put through at this consumption. As my commission is based on the consumption of the meter that meant an increase in commission by five times. I suppose it’s moments like this that make me remember;
You win some, you lose some. As long as the outcome is income.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my day, it was a very tough one for me but I’m glad it’s over.